
Today, we went out to get some more boating exercise. We trained formations. And anchoring. And rescue drills.

It all comes down to two things:
1.Obeying your Number One, the boat commander (the coxswain is the Number Two); and

When maneuvring on the sea, the waves shall always have an effect on the direction the boat is moving. Sure, you may have plotted your course to perfection, but one wave may result in a serious change in direction. The sea is not a silent pool of water. It has different sizes of waves and strengths of currents. Which is why it is necessary, to always have some form of navigation equipment at hand.

It is also a good idea, to take as many stationary beacons as possible, from the surrounding area, and even the horizon; of course, this only works while the coast is still in sight.

The Number Two does the steering; and the speeding up and slowing down of the boat. And it is his/her responsibility, to avoid hazards and overcome obstacles where they might be encountered. And if the hazard was unseen, such as a blinder (rock just beneath the surface), then why was the boat there? A properly worked out navigation plan, probably would have avoided that area altogether, what about one rock?

But the Number Two only goes where and when the Number One commands. The Number One of the leading boat, decides in which formation the group moves. Do they move in single file? He decides. Do they move in V-formation? He orders it. Do they go all abreast? He gives the signal. The Number One on each boat signals the same command to the next, and the Number Two takes the boat where it must be. Which is why all must use the same signals and understand the meaning thereof. One unknown signal, could throw the group into disarray, unless they
1.find out what it means, or
2.refuse to obey unknown commands and continue on their way, until they receive a command that they recognise.

The Number One decides where and when he wants to anchor the boat, if needs be. But he waits for the Number Two, to tell him to let go the anchor, before he drops it into the water. And he waits for the Number Two, to tell him to lift the anchor before raising it into the boat.

Should the boat be moving and somebody falls out, for some reason, it is the Number One who shouts “Man over board!” and points towards the person. But if the Number Two does not turn and go there, that person may drown. Even if the Number Two takes too long, the person may drown, or even die of hypothermia.

But in some cases, the Number One will interfere and take over from the Number Two.

So, how can this all be applied to the Father and Jesus and the Holy Ghost, in their interaction with people?

The World shall throw all it can, against you if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ. But if you have the Navigation plan for life and the map of the way you are on, called the bible (I prefer the old King James Version, for serious reasons); if you use it daily to plot your course, and use as many stationary beacons, in this case not worldly belongings, but Godly gifts; be it the Power of the Holy Ghost in you or remembering His gift of Jesus' crucifiction; or even being reminded of the rain He stopped, so you can finish your work; or the open highway during peak hour; whatever the case may be, remember what He has done for you, when it feels that life is getting too much, and thank Him for it; He shall silence the storms, and calm down the waves, and you will be able to handle what comes your way.

And using His Word as guide, you will be able to know where the unseen and unknown dangers lurk, and steer away from them.

You may be tempted to, and maybe you will, at times, question the wisdom of His decision. And feel free to do whatever you want. And then, wonder why an unseen boat rammed yours from the side? God, your Number One, is the one looking around for obstacles and hazards; you look ahead to where you must go, and make space for others to pass or get alongside. But when He tells you to stop, you STOP. When He tells you to slow down and let another pass, YOU SLOW DOWN. A formation can only be formed, if the leading boat slows down and gives the others chance to catch up.

God knows what is best and what we need. But if you do not ask, why should He give to you? This is not a Prosperity Harlotry, this is a statement: denying your needs, when God knows and you know, what you need, is not humbleness. It is pride, even as low as arrogance. God wants you to admit that you cannot go on, on your own. The Number One drops the anchor, when the Number Two tells him to drop the anchor.

And when you see a brother or sister in Jesus sinning in weakness, do not judge from the start; for you were once also a sinner, damned if not for the Blood of the Lamb that you had accepted as your Lord and Saviour. He shall always send His children to one another, to comfort and guide the fallen back to life. But if the fallen rejects the rescue, and decides that it is better to stay in the water than to get back into the boat, then, at some point, God expects you to let go. For those who keep on sinning, well knowing it leads to death, after having known the Life and the power of the Holy Ghost in their lives, reject Life and therefore, have no forgiveness left. The “Man over board!” becomes “Drowned man!” The fallen becomes the damned. And no matter what Hollywood makes it out to be, to be damned is not a good thing; it is not a “cool” thing. It is hot. Eternally-burning-in-sulpher -hot.

But if you do not turn to rescue the fallen; if you leave him there, his soul shall be demanded of you. You needed Jesus to die, for your sins, to be able to enter Life. How will you pay for another's soul, if you could not pay for your own?

The Number Two MUST obey the Number One, if the boat group is to stick together and all members are to get to their destination. And all must know the commands and teachings as from the same God, and refuse to obey unknown commands and listen to strange teachings, that do not go with the bible.

That is easy to recognise, when one has the Holy Ghost and read the Word every day; and obey what is written.

And that is why you also need self-discipline.