John 14:6

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

If you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, good. The devils know He is.
If you truly believe that Jesus Christ is God, that is merely the Holy Ghost working in you, clarifying Genesis 1 and John 1 and how they come together.
If you truly believe that God's Word is Truth, and you believe the above, then you will know that your Salvation is in the Name of Jesus Christ alone.

And those who refuse to accept any preacher's words as mandatory for Salvation, need have no fear; for any preacher who claims that his/her words or writing is necessary to enter Heaven, is turning John 14:6 into a lie. And that necessitates turning Jesus Christ into a liar. Which, in turn, means turning God into a liar.

If I were Choo Thomas, I'd repent, recant and recall Heaven is so Real, RIGHT NOW!