The only unforgivable sin, is denying the works of the Holy Ghost after having proof of it. As the pharisees have done.
If you sin, repent as soon as it you realise it. Otherwise it will slowly but surely, either kill your conscience, to the point where it seems acceptable, then accepted, then the norm... and then right. Woe to them that call wrong, right and right, wrong. Woe to this World, that turns against those who love their fellow men enough to point out where they sinned.
Many good people are in Hell, and many bad people are in Heaven. Because the good people in Hell discounted the Grace of God and the Blood of the Lamb, staying out of matters where they should have shown the wrong doing. Sin is not acceptable to God, just because it is committed by a “christian.” And the bad people in Heaven, not knowing the Law, became a law unto themselves, being judged according to the conscience.
Stop sinning. And if you see a brother or sister sin, tell him/her as soon as possible; immediately, is preferable.
May God have mercy and grace to keep us from evil.