What a wake-up call

In the maritime environment where I work, we often take boats out to sea. We always start out with the boats moving in a single line. After a few miles, when the coxswains are accustomed to the state of the sea, we play with different formations. We may even race one another to get home first. But we always leave the quay in a single line.

The boat in front takes the brunt of the swells and waves, creating a path through the sea. This makes it easier for the boats behind to stay in formation. If the boats follow too close to one another, the engine wash will make the boat behind veer off to the side. The closer they are to the boat in front's engines, the harder it is to stay on course.

Each boat also leaves its own “track” through the water, called a wake. The wake makes a distinct “line of water”, to each side, between which the other boats have to stay when following. When the boats are inside the wake, and not too far behind, nor following too close to, the boat in front, the water is at its most favourable condition for the coxswain to keep the vessel steady.

This may also be applied to the life in Jesus Christ: if we let Him be the Leader, He will create the most favourable conditions for our current state of life. If we stay inside the Will of the Father, and let the Ten Commandments be a line to each side that we dare not cross (even though we will, occasionally... and then the waves hit us directly and the swells become mountains that suddenly drop off in front of us, and we may be tempted to ask: “Where is the Protection of God?”), then we will overcome this World much easier, than when we try to take the lead. If we do not stay too far behind, giving the World a chance to come in between us and God, we will have a much smoother walk, even though there will still be the occasional temptation (wave) that slips through.

And if we dare to go right up to the Power (the Engines, where the wash creates its own waves), we must expect satan to throw everything it can on us. The closer we get to God, the harder our judgement shall be if we fall away.

satan demands death; God gives Life. God's power is infinite, while satan has only what was apportioned to it and what it stole. The World is in the power of satan. And the worst that satan loves to throw at God's children, is the strife that flames up between God's children. The boats that throw anchor in the canal (illegal to do that), and threaten with a lawsuit if your ship crosses over them. Some ships need 45 minutes to get to a standstill, with the engines totally cut out. And if Jesus is the ship you follow, stay inside the canal He had barged out for His gospel. No other has right of way there, and if they wish to use His canal, they are obliged to obey His rules.

Murphy's Laws of Combat states that “Friendly fire isn't.” Friendly fire is a pretty term for same forces that do not know of each other, or have inadvertently crossed paths during a fire fight. Enemy fire kills. Friendly fire kills own forces.

satan loves it when God's children oppose each other on the small teachings:

  • The Trinity is blasphemy

  • Eating meat is ungodly

  • The Lord's Supper was a once-off

  • The Lord's Supper must be used with a cup

All the above can be proven from Scripture. All the above can be disproved from Scripture.

Instead of all boats going in all directions, shouldn't we rather test the spirits, as it is written, and should the spirit be of God indeed: go in one direction - after Jesus?

Sometimes I don't know, WHY I keep on doing this blog. Is it read? I don't know. Does anyone care? I don't know. Does it make any difference to anyone, or has it made? I don't know. And I don't care. God ordered it, I must obey it, and that settles it. I wish I could be sinless, but I am not. I wish I could know I am saved for all time, but I am not. Nobody is. This life, is a constant struggle between the Flesh and the spirit. And it is a lot easier to fall into the Flesh, than it is to obey the spirit.

Do I sin? yes. Do I want to sin? I honestly, do not know. Sometimes I feel I just want to get away from it all - God, satan, earth, the World - but something keeps pushing me on, telling me to never give up, ask when the hard times strike, find out when it seems God has left, repent if sin is pointed out, and by God's Grace, don't do it again.

I wish I could say that I am sinless. But I am not. I wish that I could say that I am Eternally Saved. But that is to be in Eternity. On earth, I have to read the Word, pray to God and resist the devil every day, every hour, every second. And it hurts.

Have you ever felt alone, the fear of being left alone, that those you love have left you?
Do you know the hurt of being despised because of your beliefs? Especially, because you make a stand on God's terms, not the World's? Have you been rejected, ostracised because you would rather do right than be popular?

Then you just go ahead.

A friend of the World, is an enemy of God.

God loves you so much, that He sent His Son to die and go to Hell in your place, so you will not have to go when you die. You have a chance to live forever with God, in Heaven.
But God's Justice demands that those who reject His offering, and spit on His gift, be damned after death.

In Heaven, there is life and love and laughter and everything you wish to have.
In Hell, there is fire and smoke. And at judgement day, Hell gives back those she had kept, and gets cast into the pool of flame with satan and its minions. And every man, woman and child, who has rejected the gift of Jesus's Blood, shall also be cast into that lake. It was created for satan and its devils. But those who are not the children of God, are the children of the devil. And all shall need to experience God's Justice.

His children's justice: for their sufferings on earth, they shall inherit Heaven and the Second Earth. But only those who persevere until the end. Those who let go of the Faith and go back into the World, shall be added unto those bound, hand and foot, and cast into the everlasting fire.

Unless they repent and come home to the Father.

If your life on earth is hard, it does not mean God has forsaken you. But if you life is easy, it does not mean that either. Hard times come and go, easy times come and go, as God wills it. Just stick to Him and let His Holy Ghost guide you and comfort you. And always do what you do, as a dedication unto Him.

John 14:6

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

If you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, good. The devils know He is.
If you truly believe that Jesus Christ is God, that is merely the Holy Ghost working in you, clarifying Genesis 1 and John 1 and how they come together.
If you truly believe that God's Word is Truth, and you believe the above, then you will know that your Salvation is in the Name of Jesus Christ alone.

And those who refuse to accept any preacher's words as mandatory for Salvation, need have no fear; for any preacher who claims that his/her words or writing is necessary to enter Heaven, is turning John 14:6 into a lie. And that necessitates turning Jesus Christ into a liar. Which, in turn, means turning God into a liar.

If I were Choo Thomas, I'd repent, recant and recall Heaven is so Real, RIGHT NOW!


The First and Great Commandment is:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind."

And the second is like unto it: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

The Lord's Prayer begins with : "our Father which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy Name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven"...

Democracy states that the will of the people should be done.
And if the people decide wrong is right, so be it, then.
And if your fellow man is wronged by majority rule, you are responsible also, if you believe that majority is right.

No man can be a sincere Christian and yet a democrat.

If you think you are: repent, recant and live according to God's Word, not Man's words.